Sunday, March 25, 2012

Gardening days are here!!!

Springtime is such a wonderful time of year, and I get so excited about getting our garden growing.  I love having a little greenhouse because I can get started early.  A few weeks ago I started some seeds to get ready to transplant when it gets warm enough.  I have lots of little sprouts out there and it makes me so happy to see them each day when I water them.  And today I picked a bouquet of yellow daffodils, and I was wearing my yellow sweater from church, so Nate grabbed the camera and took a picture of me in all my yellow glory:)
My seeds & potting soil

planting day

My spinach

Joey's African Daisy pot

Family Friendly Soccer

We got our boys involved with a fun spring soccer league.  Their good buddies are on their teams too, and the dads are the coaches, so it's low key and a lot of fun for everyone.  It's been so cold the first two practices, but they warm up after they're playing, and have fun running around.
Joey giving high-fives after his goal!

Joey giving his buddy Tyler some support

Coach Nate watching his players scimmage

Coach Peter high- fivin' his players

Connor & Parker on the move

The Science Fair

The boys decided to do a project together for their school's Science Fair this year.  They did some research together about the earth's natural filters and then tested them.  They did a great job presenting their project at the school and we all had fun learning!  

A Day Away

The kids had short days at school for parent teacher conferences, and we decided we should plan a little day trip. So we headed about an hour out of town to beautiful place called Walla Walla.  We went to the children's museum there, and then walked around the town a little to the toy store and ice-cream shop after eating at a fun pizzeria!  It was such a fun day to be with our great friends- a much little getaway:)  We all had such a fun day!

 The Shadow room

 A Masterpiece
 Parker & Connor- The Fireman Friends
 Fireman Connor on the job
 My Cute Fireman Joey

 The boys with their best buddies
 Fun at the Toy Store

 All our kiddos
 Parker & Connor eating their ice-cream
 The Girls

The Moms

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Boys & Their Chicks

The Chicks got to go outside and play for the first time today- The boys were so excited, (and so was I since I've been dying to take a couple of pictures of them with the chicks in their new yellow striped shirts I got for $2.08 on the target clearance rack:).  It's been warming up and their feathers are coming in fast.  We're starting work on the chicken coop tomorrow, so it won't be long before they're living outside.  We are having so much fun watching them grow and enjoying our new little friends! 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Livin' the Farm Dream

We are so excited that spring is here- we decided to get chickens for our yard!  We've wanted to for years, and yesterday after seeing them at the feed store we couldn't wait anymore!  The boys were so excited and had them named before we left the store.  We brought them home and got them all set up.  It will be a few weeks before they can be outside so we are going to build a coop for them next to our garden.
Nate also replaced the motor on the old tiller that was passed down to us, and it runs like a dream now.  We are so excited to have the farm feel right here in our little corner of the world.